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WBFF Pro & Fitness Model Brittany Coutu Interview

Quick stats:

Age: 27
Height: 5’2″ – 158 cm
Weight: 121 lbs. – 55 kg

How did you get started with bodybuilding?

In 2008 I graduated college and I was in that young-adult, coming-of-age mode where I was still trying to figure out who I was and what I wanted to do with my life. After a breakup I was left feeling stagnant at a time when I expected to be constantly moving. Someone suggested that I try fitness competitions so I threw myself in head-first. I learned how to sculpt my body rather than just train my muscles. I changed my diet and I learned how to walk and pose for the stage.
Fitness became my new outlet and I loved every part of it. Now I’m a WBFF Pro and a sponsored athlete. I think it’s fair to say I’m over that breakup.
Photography David Aboody
Photography: David Aboody

Where does your motivation come from?

My motivation started at a young age coming from a family of athletes. After graduating high school I went on to compete in the NCAA Gymnastics Collegiate World. The feeling of accomplishing goals became an addiction. Now the motivation comes from the love and feedback that I receive from not only loved ones but from my fans. I am always striving to bring in an improved and healthier package each year.
I want to make a difference in the world and help reach out to as many people in need.

What workout routine has worked best for you?

This year I have noticed that lifting moderate weight and higher reps focusing on 100% proper form has given me immense gains. The following is a one of my favorite routines.
Full Routine:

Monday: Legs

  • Good Mornings 4×20
  • Lying Leg Curl 4×15
  • Leg Curls with Ball 4×20
  • Cable Kick Backs 4×20
  • Dumbbell Straight Leg Deadlift 4×20
  • 20 Minute Ab Routine

Tuesday: Chest/cardio

  • Bench Press 3×15
  • Incline Dumbbell Press 3×15
  • Cable Fly’s 5×15
  • Pushups 3×12
  • Chest Dips 4×15
  • HIIT Cardio – Dance Studio

Wednesday: Arms/abs

  • Dumbbell Curls 4×15
  • Dumbbell Kickbacks 4×15
  • Barbell Preacher Curls 3×15
  • Barbell Skull Crushers 3×15
  • One Arm Cable Curls 4×12
  • Tricep Push Downs with Rope 4×20
  • 20 Minute Ab Routine

Thursday: Back/abs

  • Cable Pull Down 4×15
  • Seated Rows 4×20
  • Bent Over Barbell Rows 4×15
  • Pullups 4×10
  • 20 Minute Ab Routine

Friday: Shoulders/Calves/Cardio

  • Arnold Press 4×20
  • Barbell Upright Rows 4×20
  • Rear Lateral Raises 4×20
  • Barbell Behind The Neck Presses 4×15
  • Smith Standing Calf Raises 4×20
  • Weighted Donkey Calf Raises 4×20
  • HIIT Cardio – Dance Studio

Saturday: Legs/cardio

  • Walking Lunges 4×12
  • Front Squats 4×15
  • Full Squats 5×12
  • Leg Extensions 5×12
  • Leg Press 4×15
  • HIIT Cardio – Dance Studio

Sunday: Day Off

  • Recovery

If you had to pick only 3 exercises, what would they be and why?

  1. Squats: Multi-purpose activity that helps to tighten your booty, core and of course your legs.
  2. Arnold Press: Love how these hit the front and side delts.
  3. Hanging Leg Raises: Best abdominal exercise by far.

What is your diet like?

Daily Diet:
  • Meal 1: Oats, Peanut Butter & Whey Protein
  • Meal 2: Chicken, Brown Rice & Asparagus
  • Meal 3: 99/1 Turkey, Brown Rice & Vegetables
  • Meal 4: Fish or 99/1 Turkey & Vegetables
  • Meal 5: Lean Steak, Vegetables or a small Salad
  • Meal 6: Fish or 99/1 Turkey & Asparagus

When trying to cut down do you prefer to use HIIT or just normal cardio?

I tend to mix it up between the Stairmaster, Elliptical and Outdoor Circuit Drills. Although I most definitely prefer HIIT sprints.
I am also a professional dancer so being in the studio practicing helps burn a ton of calories and gets my heart rate through the roof!

What is your supplementation like?

I use the Alpha Female Stack from ShredZ. This stack has given me optimal results during prime time of my show prep.
It has allowed me to build lean muscle mass while cutting body fat and allowing me to keep my curves.

Favorite Quote?

“Greatness comes to those who claim it”

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